On Location

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is On Location?

On Location is a curated list of content locations targeted to creatives.

Does On Location take bookings?

By default, we do not manage payments or your location availability as we understand rates and availability vary for each property type. We do however have a seamless communication platform where both the client and property owner can arrange a shoot directly once you're both logged into the platform.

Think of On Location as a referral service that connects creatives with spaces.

Does On Location Take Commission?

Unlike traditional booking platforms, On Location does not take commission for leads generated via the platform. We operate on a monthly subscription basis with our main focus on advertising your space and directing prospecting clients to book direct with you.

What are the Subscription Rates?

Subscription rates vary depending on the level of advertising requested by the property owner. All you need to do is email hello@onlocationguide.com to view rates.

Is On Location Free for Users? i.e Content Creators

On Location is a free service for creatives to search, browse and contact content locations. All you need to do is create an account and you can start reaching our to properties instantly.

Can I organise a Property Tour with the On Location Team?

Absolutely! We would prefer this approach. We would like to see each property to ensure it aligns with our brand and clients needs. We really want to work with spaces who are focused on making their shoot location a true success.

Does On Location Offer Content Creation or Marketing Services?

Yes, we do! Our founder Carlea has lived and breathed this industry for over a decade and if you're looking for content, marketing ideas or general guidance on how to grow your space, reach out to hello@onlocationguide.com at any time.